Shalala Quilotoa

The Guide to visit Shalalá Tourist Center at the Quilotoa

Shalala Quilotoa Ecuador

The Shalala Tourist Center is a community tourist place located on the edge of the Quilotoa crater. Travelers and tourists are welcome to explore this interesting area of the Quilotoa volcano on the Illinizas Ecological Reserve. Shalalá is known for the popular viewpoint "Mirador de Cristal Shalala".

In Shalalá the architecture, native folklore and natural resources create an awesome highland atmosphere.

Where is Shalalá located?

Shalalá is located on the side of the Quilotoa crater. Quilotoa is a volcano (with a lake in its caldera) that is part of the Ilinizas Ecological Reserve in Ecuador - South America.

How to get to Shalala?

You can get to Shalala in two ways. Walking along a trail that begins at the main entrance of Quilotoa or by car taking a detour on the main road of Zumbahua-Quilotoa.

Trail Quilotoa - Shalalá

The Shalalá Viewpoint and the Shalalá Tourist Center are located 2.5km (approximately 45 minutes) from the main entrance to Quilotoa, following a path to the right side that borders the crater.

Road Quilotoa - Shalalá

You can enter by vehicle or bicycle to Shalala through detour on the Zumbahua - Quilotoa road.

What to do at the Shalalá - Quilotoa?

Access to the Shalalá Community Tourist Center costs $2 per person upon entry.

  • Shalalá Crystal Viewpoint
  • Explore Surrounding Trails
  • Camping Area (extra $5)
  • Accommodation Cabins (reservation)
  • Parking Space
  • Restrooms
  • Native Craft Market
Mirador Shalala Quilotoa
Centro Turistico Shalala Quilotoa
Mercado Artesanal Shalala Quilotoa

Shalalá Visitor Rules

  • No Start Fires and Bonfires.
  • No Bring Animals and Pets
  • No Throwing garbage or waste.
  • No Destroy or extract flora and fauna.
  • No Animal hunting.
  • No Smoking or Alcoholic Drinks.

Trip to Shalala in Quilotoa Lagoon

You can visit Shalala on a day tour. A trip to Viewpoint Shalalá and the tourist center gives you the opportunity to meet and interact with the natives of the community and enjoy the landscapes.

Feel a great experience at the Shalalá!